(Craig writes) Leaving Oklahoma City on Wednesday morning we began making our way to Amarillo, Texas stopping at Weatherford, Oklahoma for breakfast. Met some friendly local ranchers who asked us where we were from, (I think being the only two people wearing shorts and driving up in the only non pick up truck vehicle in the parking lot car gave us away)! After a good breakfast we drove down historic Route 66 to Clinton, OK where we stopped off at the Route 66 Museum in Clinton, OK. Had a lot of fun there, bought a couple of mementos and headed on toward Texas.
Traveling into and across Texas was a hoot and we loved it! The landscape was so different than anything Becky had seen before, and so beautiful, that she giggled and I pointed for over two hours! Getting close to Amarillo we began to see billboards advertising "The Big Texan" a restaurant that offered a free 72 ounce steak, shrimp cocktail, salad, roll & dessert IF you could eat it all within 1 hour. I was tempted for about 3 seconds before realizing that 72 ounces is 4 1/2 pounds of meat plus all of the other stuff! We passed on that one but did enjoy a much smaller steak dinner that was delicious.
(The next day) On Thursday morning we were going to stop off at a Chic-Fil-A for breakfast before leaving Amarillo to drive to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Since I took a right turn out of the hotel parking lot instead of the left that Becky "suggested" we found ourselves on I-40 Westbound in a really thick fog. Assuming that there would be plenty of other places close by we headed on. About one hour and two growling stomachs later we finally saw an exit marked "Adrian, Texas" and saw a sign for the "Midpoint Cafe". Little did we know that we had stumbled upon the exact center of Route 66, (it runs from Chicago to LA), and that this was the diner and place that Disney/Pixar used as its basis for the movie "Cars". Fran, the owner and inspiration for "Flo" in the movie, waited on us and spent a long time visiting with us. Becky and I even got to sign "Gus", her 1950's model pick up truck that she still drives. If you ever get there check out the driver's door near the door handle for our notes. Adrian, TX only has 126 people in it and we met 3 of them this morning, all very friendly and gracious. You can check out the Cafe and Fran's story at:
After pulling ourselves away from Fran and the cafe we continued West toward Santa Fe, New Mexico. To say that Western Texas and New Mexico are beautiful is a huge understatement. More like gorgeous, awe-inspiring, breath taking and a wow factor of 10! Once again Becky was giggling and I was pointing. I didn't even want to blink as I wanted to drink in all of this rugged beauty and not miss anything. We took several pictures along the way but it is impossible to capture the panorama on any camera. The day was so clear we could see for about 60 or so miles and saw snow on top of the high mountains in New Mexico. Arriving in Santa Fe we parked the car and walked around the market area before having "lupper", (a late lunch or early supper:), at the Blue Corn Cafe. Delicious Tex/Mex food in a really neat setting.
Earlier today, while looking at the beautiful scenery we were enjoying, Becky commented on how incredibly creative God was and is. I totally agree! Wow, way to go God!
Look out Arizona, you're next and here we come!
Traveling into and across Texas was a hoot and we loved it! The landscape was so different than anything Becky had seen before, and so beautiful, that she giggled and I pointed for over two hours! Getting close to Amarillo we began to see billboards advertising "The Big Texan" a restaurant that offered a free 72 ounce steak, shrimp cocktail, salad, roll & dessert IF you could eat it all within 1 hour. I was tempted for about 3 seconds before realizing that 72 ounces is 4 1/2 pounds of meat plus all of the other stuff! We passed on that one but did enjoy a much smaller steak dinner that was delicious.
(The next day) On Thursday morning we were going to stop off at a Chic-Fil-A for breakfast before leaving Amarillo to drive to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Since I took a right turn out of the hotel parking lot instead of the left that Becky "suggested" we found ourselves on I-40 Westbound in a really thick fog. Assuming that there would be plenty of other places close by we headed on. About one hour and two growling stomachs later we finally saw an exit marked "Adrian, Texas" and saw a sign for the "Midpoint Cafe". Little did we know that we had stumbled upon the exact center of Route 66, (it runs from Chicago to LA), and that this was the diner and place that Disney/Pixar used as its basis for the movie "Cars". Fran, the owner and inspiration for "Flo" in the movie, waited on us and spent a long time visiting with us. Becky and I even got to sign "Gus", her 1950's model pick up truck that she still drives. If you ever get there check out the driver's door near the door handle for our notes. Adrian, TX only has 126 people in it and we met 3 of them this morning, all very friendly and gracious. You can check out the Cafe and Fran's story at:
After pulling ourselves away from Fran and the cafe we continued West toward Santa Fe, New Mexico. To say that Western Texas and New Mexico are beautiful is a huge understatement. More like gorgeous, awe-inspiring, breath taking and a wow factor of 10! Once again Becky was giggling and I was pointing. I didn't even want to blink as I wanted to drink in all of this rugged beauty and not miss anything. We took several pictures along the way but it is impossible to capture the panorama on any camera. The day was so clear we could see for about 60 or so miles and saw snow on top of the high mountains in New Mexico. Arriving in Santa Fe we parked the car and walked around the market area before having "lupper", (a late lunch or early supper:), at the Blue Corn Cafe. Delicious Tex/Mex food in a really neat setting.
Earlier today, while looking at the beautiful scenery we were enjoying, Becky commented on how incredibly creative God was and is. I totally agree! Wow, way to go God!
Look out Arizona, you're next and here we come!
Love the slideshow photos. It is beautiful! The boys are in bed, but I'll show them the photos tommorow. They'll be excited about the Route 66 photos and the Diner. :) They were interested in that tonight when I was telling them about it. The resort in Flagstaff looks nice. Were the steaks better than the ones we had in Canada (at Epcot)? :) Love ya'll. Miss you. Enjoying living the trip vicariously through our phone calls and your blog & photos. :)
Everything looks like so much fun!
I love the photos and the slideshow.
Keep the blogs coming - I love to read all about it.
Can't wait to hook up internet at the apartment so we can share with the kids!
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